Lori is a graduate of Dream Builder Coaching, Family Recovery Coaching and Intentional Creativity
International Intuitive Art Program…she is an Intuitive Energy Spiritual Art Healer striving for ultimate health and wellness!
YOU CAN call me: 561 383 0417
email me: lorisenergyart@gmail.com
YOU CAN create new perspective
YOU CAN find true purpose
YOU CAN honor your self
YOU CAN be in a better place
YOU CAN be worthy
YOU CAN get out of your own way
YOU CAN take action
YOU CAN create new possibilities
YOU CAN achieve your dreams
YOU CAN live on purpose
YOU CAN have self care
YOU CAN get loved one out of denial
YOU CAN be free from addiction
YOU CAN be free from dependency
YOU CAN love and reach out to me! Lorisenergyart@gmail.com